Formatting the original spectral responses

Pyspectral defines a unified hdf5 format to hold the various sensor specific relative spectral response functions.

Convert from original RSR data to pyspectral hdf5 format

The python modules in the directory rsr_convert_scripts contain code to convert from the original agency specific relative spectral responses to the internal unified pyspectral format in HDF5.

This conversion should normally never be done by the user. It will only be relevant if the original responses are updated. It that case we will need to redo the conversion and include the updated hdf5 file in the package data on

Running the conversion scripts requires the pyspectral.yaml file to point to the directory of the original spectral response data. For AVHRR/3 onboard Metop-C this may look like this:

  path: /home/a000680/data/SpectralResponses/avhrr
  ch1: Metop_C_A309C001.txt
  ch2: Metop_C_A309C002.txt
  ch3a: Metop_C_A309C03A.txt
  ch3b: Metop_C_A309C03B.txt
  ch4: Metop_C_A309C004.txt
  ch5: Metop_C_A309C005.txt

Here <path> points to the place with the response functions for each channel. For Metop-C, the case was a bit special, as we got one file with all bands and using wavenumber and not wavelength. Therefore we first converted the file using script “”.

For all the other sensors supported in Pyspectral we run the conversion script directly on the files downloaded from internet (or acquired via mail-contact).

Conversion scripts


Converting the original ENVISAT AATSR responses. The data are stored i MS Excel format and the file name look like this: consolidatedsrfs.xls

%> python

Converting from original GOES-16&17 ABI responses. The file names look like this: GOES-R_ABI_PFM_SRF_CWG_ch1.txt

%> python

Converting the original Himawari-8&9 AHI spectral responses. The data are stored i MS Excel format and the file names look like this: AHI-9_SpectralResponsivity_Data.xlsx

%> python

Converting from original Metop/NOAA AVHRR responses. The file names look like this: NOAA_10_A101C004.txt

As mentioned above for Metop-C we chopped up the single original file into band specific files to be consistent with the other AVHRRs. The original file we got from EUMETSAT: AVHRR_A309_METOPC_SRF_PRELIMINARY.TXT

%> python

Convert the NOAA 15 Spectral responses to new NOAA STAR format.

%> python

Converts the FY-3D MERSI-2 spectral responses. Original files acquired via personal contact has names like this: FY3D_MERSI_SRF_CH01_Pub.txt

%> python

Converting the Terra/Aqua MODIS spectral responses to hdf5. Original Aqua MODIS files have names like this: 01.amb.1pct.det Terra files have names like this: rsr.1.oobd.det

%> python

The original Sentinel-2 A,B, and C MSI spectral responses. Filenames look like this COPE-GSEG-EOPG-TN-15-0007-Sentinel-2_Spectral_Response_Functions_2024-4.0.xlsx

%> python

Converting the Sentinel 3A OLCI RSR data to hdf5. The original OLCI responses comes in a single netCDF4 file: OLCISRFNetCDF.nc4

%> python

Conversion of the original Landsat-8 OLI data. File names look like this: Ball_BA_RSR.v1.1-1.xlsx

%> python

Converting the Meteosat (second generation) SEVIRI responses to hdf5. Original filename: MSG_SEVIRI_Spectral_Response_Characterisation.XLS

%> python

Converting the Sentinel-3 SLSTR spectral responses to hdf5. Original responses from ESA comes as a set of netCDF files. One file per band. Band 1:

%> python

Converting the NOAA-20 and Suomi-NPP VIIRS original responses to hdf5. File names follow 9 different naming conventions depending on the band, here as given in the pyspectral.yaml file:

  filename: J1_VIIRS_Detector_RSR_V2/J1_VIIRS_RSR_{bandname}_Detector_Fused_V2.txt
  bands: [M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7]

  filename: J1_VIIRS_Detector_RSR_V2/J1_VIIRS_RSR_{bandname}_Detector_Fused_V2.txt
  bands: [I1, I2]

  filename: J1_VIIRS_V1_RSR_used_in_V2/J1_VIIRS_RSR_M8_Det_V1.txt
  bands: [M8]

  filename: J1_VIIRS_Detector_RSR_V2.1/J1_VIIRS_RSR_M9_Det_V2.1.txt
  bands: [M9]

  filename: J1_VIIRS_V1_RSR_used_in_V2/J1_VIIRS_RSR_{bandname}_Det_V1.txt
  bands: [M10, M11, M12, M14, M15]

  filename: J1_VIIRS_Detector_RSR_V2/J1_VIIRS_RSR_M13_Det_V2.txt
  bands: [M13]

  filename: J1_VIIRS_V1_RSR_used_in_V2/J1_VIIRS_RSR_M16A_Det_V1.txt
  bands: [M16]

  filename: J1_VIIRS_V1_RSR_used_in_V2/J1_VIIRS_RSR_{bandname}_Det_V1.txt
  bands: [I3, I4, I5]

  filename: J1_VIIRS_Detector_RSR_V2/J1_VIIRS_RSR_DNBLGS_Detector_Fused_V2S.txt
  bands: [DNB]
%> python

Converts RSRs for the MSU-GS/A sensors aboard Arctica-M N1 satellite. RSRs were retrieved from Roshydromet. Filenames look like:


Converts RSRs for the MSU-GS sensor aboard Electro-L N2. RSRs were retrieved from the NWP-SAF. Filenames look like: rtcoef_electro-l_2_msugs_srf_ch01.txt

%> python

Converting the FY-3B or FY-3C VIRR spectral responses to HDF5. Original files for FY-3B come as .prn text files for each channel (ex. ch1.prn). For FY-3C they come as .txt text files for channels 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 only with names like FY3C_VIRR_CH01.txt.

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